
favorite new website is It’s her hair journal that I found completely by accident, I was probably doing a google image search on something hair related. I look at hair pictures a

lot, they inspire me. To what, im not sure, b/c I know I’ll never put a chemical relaxer in my hair again, I only did 4 years of that nonsense and it was enough. I look up pictures of locks a lot b/c I miss mine. Every picture I see, every person I see them with, I think to myself, “my locks was tougher than that.” Is that bad? I look at natural hair style pictures, trying to bide my time and have patience as my hair grows. I had locks for 7 years, and then I cut them off. A month later, I shaved my head completely. It’s a year later, I have a mad afro now, and im looking forward to them cute Bantu knots (which I first wore in 1994 by the way, youngsters).
i have a heterosexual crush on roshini, I aspire to be like her. She is black, around my age, natural hair. She’s cute and funny and strives to better herself in all ways. she battles w/depression and was medicated for a couple of years. i dont know if she still is. i am, but i dont take the pills regularly as i should. She’s struggling with traction alopecia (goddamned headwraps. I knew deep down wearing them heavy locks w/cloth everyday wasn’t good for me, but you couldn’t tell me nothing back then, I thought I was too cute). I think im going to start using some of her journal topics to do my own too, write about my goals, etc. I write about sex too much. Do too many stupid surveys.
OMG...better late than never. Thanks so much for the kind words & support hun :)
First, I'd like to say "Ini sent me". ^_^
I've been a follower of hers and motown girl for about 5 years. Definitely need the pick-me-upper whenever I feel like giving up or shaving my hair (again).
Your blog is funny and I so love your bathroom bender doll.
To you and Roshini, I say keep up the great job.
Love and blessings,
The Blessed Virgin's little girl!
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