Your senior year in High School is supposed to be "the best year of your life." Let's see how much you remember
year: 1994
Who was your best friend? didnt really have one. by senior year i had a stupid jealous would-be thug boyfriend (at the time he was age 24 mind you!) who tripped out over anybody calling me. so it was me and him all the damn time, he'd always be chillin at my house asking me to cook him a steak. and i'd do it, too! guh, i was such an idiot back then.
Who did you have a crush on? his name was Oz. i'd watch him from across the lunch court (only half the time b/c he ditched school all the damn time) he'd always wear dickies and a wife pleaser and had nice wide back and a little waist and ooooh the most beautiful sculpted arms i'd ever seen. oh, and i used to love me some eric, some trouble making pasty white guy w/black black black hair and black facial scruff, i thought he was so hot. i'd watch him during lunch hour, he'd play handball and ALWAYS took his shirt off and i'd have fantasies of meeting him at that racketball court and him fucking me against the chain link fence. keep in mind that i was a virgin up all throughout high school up until 3 months before graduation and i didnt know anything about fucking, but i just KNEW eric and oz were good at it. oh and the list of mexicans i wanted went on for days--jesus from math class, apolinar from lunch, that sleepy eyed mutha fucka from government...ay papi.
What sports did you play? i was exceedingly bad at all sports. i never got hirer than a C in PE, and i only got that high a grade b/c despite how much i hated it all, i always suited up and played the damn games. everyone on my team would get all mad at me b/c i could never catch the ball. oh boo, who gave a fuck.
What kind of car did you drive? dodge omni, which i promptly crashed two months after getting my license. no liquor involved, i was just a shitty driver.
It's Friday night, where were you at? at home fucking my boyfriend in the closet, b/c my parents wouldnt let me shut the bedroom door.
Were you in the "In Crowd"? Nall
Ever skip school? to stay home and work on some paper due 6th period.
Ever smoke? i had a cigarette or two b/c i thought it looked cool. but i never did it in front of everybody! i was so stupid!
Were you a nerd? nerds at my school were only the AP students, and there was only one black person among them. i remember her, her name was kelly, she had long hair, and then senior year she cut it off and the whole black nation at plhs acted like it was world ending.
Did you get suspened/expelled? nall.
Can you sing the Alma Mater? no, i remember the words were printed in the school folder and i asked every teacher i had as well as a bunch of the office staff how the song went and nobody knew. i just really wanted to know what it sounded like. but the unofficial school song was Atomic Dog by george clinton, and unoficially every time it played, a true pointer had to get up and dance no matter what. but yeah, this was only among the melinated.
Who was your favorite teacher? I had the biggest fucking clitoral hard on for Mr. seckington, the algebra teacher. i used to write obscene scenarios of how i wanted him to fuck me in class. oh, and coach davalos. it was all the rumor in the girls locker room that he was a child molester and i wanted him to molest me soooo baaaad...
Favorite class? art, bitches!What was your schools full name? point loma senior high school.
School mascot? the pointer dog.
Did you go to Prom? yeah, with that stupid old ass boyfriend.
Where did you work? pish, i was hitting up Dad for money. that stupid old ass boyfriend NEVER had any money. he didnt even pay for the prom tickets. loser.
If you could go back and do it over, would you? i would, to fix some things. i never wouldve permed my hair. I would have fucked adam mastrucci. i wouldve been a better student. i would've said fuck underage drinking fears and drunk up at that ONE party i went to. i would've fucked james AT that party. i wouldve been a friend to chris jones b/c he was a nerd and everyone was mean to him. i wasnt mean, but i wasnt nice either.
Last one, favorite memory of your Senior Year? meh.

Currently watching:
Say Anything
Release date: 05 March, 2002
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