32.How many people have you kissed: over 100, i really dont know.
34.Are you a virgin: no, in fact, I wish I started having sex sooner. *pish* wish I could be having it right now.
35.What do you look for in a guy/girl: inside~afrocentric, confident, kind, sincere, insightful, smart, thoughtful, romantic, always looking to learn and grow. outside (tho none are deal-breakers)~tall, bald or locs or afro, just NO PERMS, nice teeth, slim to athletic build, goatee or some sort of facial hair, glasses, deep voice. Wears NOTHING bling. doesnt care about labels, but doesnt bash those that do. I love brothers wearing the muslim smocks, fucking hot-olla. I'll fall out if he has a large collection of books, can play an instrument, and can cook. And above everything financially independent. im doing the support thing now and its making me bitter. the next one has to be able to take care of himself.
43.Do you believe in fate: kinda. i do sometimes believe in signs and epiphanies and moments of clarity.
44.Do you believe in soul mates: uhhhahhh i dont know...
45.If so do you believe you'll ever find yours: meh.

currently reading:
"tipping the velvet"
by sarah waters
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