With a bunch of my homeboys piled into my rental car, we drove around for about 40 minutes looking for a spot to park at just outside of his apartment complex. Finally I see three brothas piling into a suburban getting ready to leave. Thankful, I pulled up behind them, hit my blinker (indicating that I was going to take up the spot) and waited.
For 10 minutes, those three cats fiddled around in their suburban doing something. I got impatient and stuck my head out the window. "Hey dog, you guys leaving?" I see a hand pop out the window giving me a hold-on-just-a-sec hand signal.
Two minutes later "DOG! You guys dippin out? We're gonna take that spot," I ask again.
An annoyed voice answers back from the drivers seat, "Yeah were leavin. Hold up."
Five Minutes later, I'm pissed. I lay on the horn with an annoying BRAAAAAAAAAP
"Hey Nigga! You getting out of that spot or what?"
Out pops Keenan Thompson from the driver seat, and shouts "Nigga I said Yeah!!!!"
He looks at our carload of hoods and hesitates.
One of my homeboys pipes up from the back seat, "Hey man! You're Kel from Nickelodeon! Whats up Kel!"
Keenan gets this confused look on his face, "But Im Keenan-"
The same homeboy pipes up again cutting him off, "Whatever cocksucker fucken beat it!"
Keenan with a destroyed look on his face, hops in his car, and peels off.
currently reading:
inicidents in the life of a slave girl
by harriet jacobs
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