Wednesday, August 25, 2010

fb things i hate.

i like facebook.
people who are completely anti-facebook are taking it too seriously.
but there are some things i dont like about facebook.
  • having a profile pic that doesnt include your face, especially when you send me a friend invite.
  • using something not your name for your name, like John ImSoFlyWearingABowTie Jones.
  • posting x-rated things. everyone sees you, so put your best forward. that's not being fake, it's good manners.
  • being passive aggressive with your posts/updates, like, "“Paris Wannabe knows that some friends aren’t what they say that are and are really talking behind my back!”
  • friend requesting me if we've met once in passing.
  • random guys i dont know trying to holla... although i must admit i dont get this too often.
  • invites/posts/updates about all fb games & apps (farmville, mafia, bakeshop, whatthefuckeveridontcare).
  • a gajillion photos posted to an album with only 3 worth looking at. dont just plug in your camera, upload, and walk away.  delete the crappy photos.
  • getting spammed about an event. fb is for friends, not for promoting yourself/your events.
  • your super private privacy settings. youre not that important.

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