Thursday, July 28, 2005

5'8 and 165 lbs and you talk to me about your weight gain?

Shannon, I recently read the link below. Needless to say, itis so motivational. I have been thinking about my owneating habits and weight gain. I understand that myweight "gain" is probably ridiculous sounding to you,but I realize it is so easy to gain so much. I realizeI have issues with self-control. Really, I mean, do Ireally need to eat the whole bag of Doritos? I mean,do I really need Doritos with cream cheese at all? Iam sure pretzels will satisfy the mind. Anyways, thisissue really hits home because my cousin is grosslyoverweight. She has been to the hospital twicebecause her hearts stopped. My aunt used to smoke inthe house and her asthma is ridiculous. Right now sheis with this loser because, I feel, she does not havethe esteem to know that she can get another one. I remember Joyce Meyer (who is a phenomenal Christianspeaker who also used to be overweight) said are yougoing to let your _______ control your mind or yourmind control your ___________. She was talking aboutthe stomach and other situations like our mouth/words,emotions, sex, etc. As I think about that I realizeshe is right and I need to gain control of a lot ofthings in this case it is the 4 for $1 candy bars.Peace and love girl, N.


it WAS inspiring, thank you for sending it to me. goes to show its so important to have a good support system. its hard to succeed when everyone around you is expecting you to fail, and if youre around that too long and then are able to escape, you expect YOURSELF to fail. you always need support.... i keep telling myself that im going to go to tops meetings or oa meetings so that i can be around people in it like me, and i am yet to go...

how much weight have you gained? im sorry if i ever made you feel (and im sure i did) lame for talking to me about your weight gain. that was really insensitive of me. just because i weigh more than you doesnt mean it affects my emotions/ego/whatever more than your gain does you.

weight is a trip... its really discouraging to have people say to me, "whats the big deal, you did it before" or "well you work full time, just dont eat after you get off work" or some trite "its so simple fix-all" advice, but it sho aint easy to lose a few lbs, and you really dont know until youre the one trying to do it. if it was drugs or alchohol, you would just say, "ok, i have an addiction problem and im not drinking/doing drugs/smoking ever again." and everyone would support you. but you cant NOT eat forever. and even if youre somewhere and offered something, as soon as you say something along the lines that you're trying to watch what you eat, youre attacked, and pigeon-holed, that you must have low self esteem, that youre starving yourself, torturing yourself, punishing yourself, that you must have no confidence, and you know thats not all true, thats theres nothing wrong with you, but as often as this pigeon-hole-ing happens to me,its hard to remember that sometimes.

"just have a little" people beg and they'll push if you keep declining, "one bite is not going to do anything" but for me, one bite can trigger a chain of garbage-y eating for me. im trying to gain power and control in all things in my life, food is the hardest.

so... doritoes with cream cheese? for me its hershey kisses, 2 at a time so i can chew them with both sides of my mouth. shannon.

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